Big dango family
Det är nästan pinsamt att publicera den här videon på bloggen. Men jag tror aldrig att jag har sett något sötare i mitt liv. Detta är ett praktexempel på något som får mig att pipa som en liten flicka. Helt underbart söt!
Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family
The naughty, rascally fried dango, and the sweet, kind red bean dango
Everyone, everyone comes together and it's a family of 100
baby dango is surrounded with love and warmth
Elderly dango squint their eyes, Looking out for the younger ones in their big family
The happy, chummy dango hold their hands together and make a big, round circle of happiness
They build a town on their dango planet and everyone laughs together in unison
The rabbit is trying to wave to them from the sky; the huge moon
Is glowing upon everyone, happy things and sad things are always rolled into one
Dango family of 100